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McFarlane Law

A Tax Law Firm - 480.991.0032

Liens, Levies, Garnishments, Seizures

If You Receive an IRS Notice, Call Us Immediately as a Timely Response Is Crucial.

The Internal Revenue Service has tremendous “taking” powers to collect on unpaid past-due tax liabilities. The IRS collections division has Revenue Officers who have the power to take aggressive collection action such as filing liens against your name and personal property, posting a levy against your bank account or other financial accounts, and serving wage garnishments on your employer or principal. When it comes to a dispute with a taxpayer, the IRS has a quiver full of Draconian collection powers. Its approach is to seize property now and resolve the tax issue later.

If you receive an IRS or ADOR collection notice, or have a lien or levy filed against you, or have had your property seized by the IRS or Arizona tax authorities, your first step should be to contact a knowledgeable tax lawyer. At McFARLANE LAW, PLC, in Scottsdale, Arizona, our attorneys have decades of experience in providing relief for our clients. We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case.

If you have a tax problem, all is not lost. Before the IRS can take any collection actions against you, it must issue certain statutory notices to you. It is important to timely respond, and a tax attorney who practices in this complex area of tax law is the best person to help you sort through the tax procedures. We work with CPAs and accountants to resolve your tax problems as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. By filing a timely appeal or protest, our lawyers can attempt to lift the levy, stop the garnishment, or release the lien, and negotiate with the IRS.

Our lawyers resolve IRS and ADOR collection actions.

Releasing Levies, Liens and Garnishments

If the IRS has already filed a lien against your property with the county recorder’s office, taken your property through a levy, or garnished your wages, our lawyers can help resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Collection actions can have a devastating impact on your life. In addition to garnishing your wages, the IRS can garnish money from any third party who owes you money. If the IRS freezes your bank account, you could face overdraft notices, bounced checks and other issues. Any lien against your property would show up in a background check, which could affect you if you are seeking employment or financing. If you seek to sell your home and you have a lien on file against you and your residence, we can assist you in having the lien withdrawn so that the property can be sold with clear title.

It’s important to contact us before your right to protest the collection action expires.

Contact Our Attorneys For Help With Wage Garnishment

To arrange a free and confidential consultation with our Phoenix tax lien attorneys, call 480-991-0032.

Federal, Arizona State and Local Tax Attorney

Professionally solving client tax issues with honesty and integrity

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